Monday, January 19, 2015

Pretty Stationary and Organizing Bit

With the new year, I simply wanted to better myself (see my "resolutions" by clicking here). With that comes organization and for me that involves pretty things. I like my stuff to be nicely organized, with inspirational quotes and simple, yet pretty, patterns. I basically am a notebook junky, I get them at HomeGoods for around $5 (at the most). I like using them to write what I'm feeling, inspiration for things, lists, or even just class notes. I do have 2 nice Moleskin notebooks. My boyfriend usually get them for me, and he got me hooked.

For pens and pencils on the go, I use this pretty floral makeup bag that I got from Forever21. I like to have A LOT of pencils and pens on me. I am that person that writes their notes in different colors. For holding writing utensils on my desk, I used a mason jar (of course) and painted it pink and white. 

To organize various papers, I like to use binders. My roommate uses this website called Canva to make pretty binder covers (amongst other things) and it is literally SO EASY to use. Like seriously, if I can do it, so can you haha. You can put whatever you want on it too! I decided to put a really nice quote and a cute picture of my boyfriend and I! 

But of course, no organization of ones life would be complete without a planner. I use The Original Student Calendar and I love it. It helps keep everything in one place. It has 3 sections on each day for appointments, studying and everything else in your life.  I do believe I have mentioned it once in a video !

Anyways, sorry this was a little long, I just love stationary so so much! 

What do you guys like to use for notebooks or organization? Let me know!


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