Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Homemade Strawberry Jam!

Happy Tuesday every one!
A lot of people assume jelly and jam is the same. Jelly doesn't have chunks of fruit in it and jam does! Today I am going to share with you how my boyfriend, Miguel, and I made strawberry jam!
Now we forgot to take pictures of the preparation process (We were just to excited!), so I will just walk you through it.

Things you will need: 
2 lbs Strawberries
1lb 5oz Sugar
Juice of 1 Large lemon or 2 small lemons

3-4, 8 oz Mason jars

1 large sauce pan
1 large pot 
A pair of tongs

Next, you will have to dice up all the strawberries. Put the sauce pan on medium heat. Add in strawberries and sugar and lemon juice. Mix well, you don't want the sugar to caramelize! It's important to constantly stir the mixture and to scoop out whatever foam forms at the top. 

After stirring for a while, you should notice that it becomes more "liquidy" and concentrated. Once it starts to boil, check to see if its done. An easy trick to do this is to take a plate, put it in the freezer, and place a small spoonful of jam onto the frozen plate. If it remain more liquidy, it need to cook a little longer. If it becomes more "gelatinous" its ready to be canned!

The next step is canning. You will need to boil the mason jars for about 5 minutes in order to get ride of any extra bacteria. Use the tongs to place them in the boiling water. After the jars are sanitized, use a towel or over clothes to handle the jars. Use a ladle to slowly pour jam into the jars. 


Once you have put jam into all the jars, its time to disinfect again! Place the closed jars back into the boiling water. Leave them for about 10 minutes. This helps get ride of all the fungus and bacteria from the strawberries. 

After 10 minutes, take the jars out to let them cool. You'll hear the tops of the jars make a popping noise, that means it is sealed!
You now have some lovely jam to keep for yourself or give to family and friends! Jam lasts for about 1 year un refrigerated. After you open the  jars, make sure to refrigerate them! 

Do you guys like to make homemade foods? If so, what? If you try this recipe, let me know how you like it! Enjoy!


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