Monday, January 19, 2015

Pretty Stationary and Organizing Bit

With the new year, I simply wanted to better myself (see my "resolutions" by clicking here). With that comes organization and for me that involves pretty things. I like my stuff to be nicely organized, with inspirational quotes and simple, yet pretty, patterns. I basically am a notebook junky, I get them at HomeGoods for around $5 (at the most). I like using them to write what I'm feeling, inspiration for things, lists, or even just class notes. I do have 2 nice Moleskin notebooks. My boyfriend usually get them for me, and he got me hooked.

For pens and pencils on the go, I use this pretty floral makeup bag that I got from Forever21. I like to have A LOT of pencils and pens on me. I am that person that writes their notes in different colors. For holding writing utensils on my desk, I used a mason jar (of course) and painted it pink and white. 

To organize various papers, I like to use binders. My roommate uses this website called Canva to make pretty binder covers (amongst other things) and it is literally SO EASY to use. Like seriously, if I can do it, so can you haha. You can put whatever you want on it too! I decided to put a really nice quote and a cute picture of my boyfriend and I! 

But of course, no organization of ones life would be complete without a planner. I use The Original Student Calendar and I love it. It helps keep everything in one place. It has 3 sections on each day for appointments, studying and everything else in your life.  I do believe I have mentioned it once in a video !

Anyways, sorry this was a little long, I just love stationary so so much! 

What do you guys like to use for notebooks or organization? Let me know!


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Makeup Review - Loreal Paris Magic Skin Beautifier BB Cream Anti-Redness

Hi! Today I thought it would be fun to do a makeup review. Some times I find a product that I just HAVE to review. Today is is the Loreal Paris Magic Skin Beautifier BB Cream for Anti-Redness. Now this cream comes in anti-redness, anti-fatigue and as a regular BB cream as well. I have been using the anti-redness one recently and I am in love.

 As you can see the product comes out green because green counter acts redness. 
But as soon as you start to rub it onto your skin, it starts to blend in with your skin tone.

This is what my cheek normally looks like WITHOUT makeup 
Now here it is after 1 layer of the BB Cream 
And another layer 
As you can see, this stuff DOES help with the redness and covering up red blemishes as well

Here it is on my chin as well. 

 No makeup
 1 layer.
2 layers. 

Basically, I really dig this stuff. It is pretty inexpensive, and it ACTUALLY WORKS. I've tried color correcting/ green based primers and haven't really seen the results as I have with this BB cream. I wear this usually under makeup, but on days when you are running a little late, it's super easy to just put on, blend and go. I don't use a brush to use it, the warmth of your hands is better for helping blend the product to get it to your skin tone. 

Have you tried the Loreal Paris Magic Skin Beautifier BB Cream? If so which ones? Let me know in the comments what you think of this review! 


Friday, January 16, 2015

Things are Changing...

Hi. It's been a while since I have posted on here and I am terribly sorry for that. Life gets in the way and sometimes I feel like I have nothing to say.

Today I do have some things to say, mainly because I have had a lot on my mind and things have been kind of crazy. I had the most stressful/ hardest/ miserable time of my entire life last semester during school. My anxiety got worse and my depression came back. I tried to be social/ actually care about things but I just couldn't. It was hard to get out of bed in the morning. When I came back from class (if I actually went) all I would do is sleep or lay in bed. It got bad, so bad that my roommates actually contacted my MOTHER about my behavior. At the time I was so upset. How could my friends betray my trust? At the time I was upset, but now I am happy that they told someone, because I have a better outlook on my life.

Some major changes in my life have happened since that time in a span of 3 months.

    First and foremost (and probably the biggest change for me), I have decided to change my major. I originally came to school wanting to be a music major, specifically music therapy. I wanted to help people with music, and I thought I would be really good at it. Turns out I was wrong. Learning music theory was almost impossible for me, and learning suddenly became difficult. The thing I had once loved, was now stressing me out and tearing me down. Over Christmas break I had gotten an email from my advisor about how I wasn't doing well and how I should think about switching majors. At first I was devastated. What else could I do? I don't like to think I am good at anything else.
      However, I am now moving into a different major. After a lot of thought thinking I am now working on changing my major from Music therapy to Business with a concentration in Arts and Entertainment. I like that, maybe I could be good at managing bands and such. Who knows we will see.

While all of this was happening my anxiety was acting up. I am not sure I have mentioned this before on here, but I have generalized anxiety disorder and agoraphobia. With that comes waves of depression due to my anxiety acting up and restricting me from doing things I usually love. As mentioned before, things spiraled out of control. But now I am going through more intensive therapy and possibly some new medication. Who knows if it will work, because right now anxiety is still winning at everything.

If you made it this far , thanks for taking the time to read my word vomit, but I also want to end on a more positive note. I feel like this blog post was very negative, so I think I'll say what I want this blog to be about now, and what I will write about.

I want this blog to be about me. About my feelings, hopes and dreams. About what makes me sad, anxious, scared, excited and happy. Maybe writing out everything like I am talking to someone and posting it will make me happier. No one really knows, but I glad with the decisions I have made over the past few months.

I hope you are all doing well and that you are happy and healthy. If you aren't remember that things will get better. If you don't think they will, try to make them that way. I have been lately. And right now, I've never been happier.

Thanks for reading. I hope you all have beautiful lives.
Marissa xoxo

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Life Update

Hello everybody!

So I know I have been laking in updating my blog. I've just been so busy. School started in August and it's just been one thing after another for me. With school, Greek life, volunteering, practicing and performing, everything kind of just caught up to me. I've only posted a couple of YouTube videos (over the summer, I would post one every week), and basically am never active on social media much (I'm a lurker now).

With that being said, I would really like to use this blog/my YouTube channel more. It was a way for me to have fun and unwind from the crazy day. Yes, it does take up a lot of time, but it oddly helps relax me.

Look forward to some stuff in the future, especially with the holidays coming up! I've recently posted some YouTube videos at if you want to check those out as well.

Hope you all have been doing well (:

xoxo Marissa

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

No- Sew Greek Letters!

Hello everyone!
Today I thought I would show you how I make no-sew greek letters. I have very little sewing skills, and the skills I do have are not very good. So I figured out a way to make some letters that requires NO SEWING SKILLS! 
Let's get started(: 

First, your materials:

1. Stencils of your organizations letters (I have a pair, but if you want to make some SUPER easy ones, just photocopy a pair you have, and glue them on some cardboard) 
2. Fabric of your choosing (It doesn't have to be a certain size, just enough that will make your letters)
3. Heat n Bond Ultra
4. Scissors
5. A pencil
6. An iron and ironing board
7. An article of clothing to put letters on
8. Puff paint (optional)

First, you will need to get the fabric and Heat n Bond molded together. To do this, cut the amount of Heat n Bond you will use, along with the appropriate amount of fabric. 
In order to fuse them together, place the fabric pattern side down onto the ironing board. Put the rough side of the Heat n Bond on top of the fabric. Set your iron to a medium heat, with NO steam. Let iron sit on Heat n Bond and fabric for about 8 seconds, making sure you get each section. 
After you have done this, you should have your fabric basically attached to a piece of parchment paper. 

Next, you will have to trace your organizations letters on the fabric
My organization is Alpha Phi! 

After you have traced, you will need to cut out your patterns!

Once your letters are cut, take your shirt and letters over to the ironing board. Place the letters how you want them on your shirt (sometimes I use a ruler if I want to make them SUPER straight)

 Once you have found a placement, take off the paper you traced on and place the letters back on the shirt. Again, on a medium high heat, with no steam, iron on your letters. Simply place the iron over them for about 8 seconds. 

Now, you can keep them as is OR you can add a border. I use puff paint to add a border, plus it also helps the edges from fraying after you have washed them a few times. 

And you're done! I made some America letters since 4th of July is coming up!

To take care of your home made letter, wash inside out, it helps to protect the fabrics. 
Enjoy your new letters! 

Are you part of a greek organization? Do you make your own letters? let me know what you think in the comments below!


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Homemade Strawberry Jam!

Happy Tuesday every one!
A lot of people assume jelly and jam is the same. Jelly doesn't have chunks of fruit in it and jam does! Today I am going to share with you how my boyfriend, Miguel, and I made strawberry jam!
Now we forgot to take pictures of the preparation process (We were just to excited!), so I will just walk you through it.

Things you will need: 
2 lbs Strawberries
1lb 5oz Sugar
Juice of 1 Large lemon or 2 small lemons

3-4, 8 oz Mason jars

1 large sauce pan
1 large pot 
A pair of tongs

Next, you will have to dice up all the strawberries. Put the sauce pan on medium heat. Add in strawberries and sugar and lemon juice. Mix well, you don't want the sugar to caramelize! It's important to constantly stir the mixture and to scoop out whatever foam forms at the top. 

After stirring for a while, you should notice that it becomes more "liquidy" and concentrated. Once it starts to boil, check to see if its done. An easy trick to do this is to take a plate, put it in the freezer, and place a small spoonful of jam onto the frozen plate. If it remain more liquidy, it need to cook a little longer. If it becomes more "gelatinous" its ready to be canned!

The next step is canning. You will need to boil the mason jars for about 5 minutes in order to get ride of any extra bacteria. Use the tongs to place them in the boiling water. After the jars are sanitized, use a towel or over clothes to handle the jars. Use a ladle to slowly pour jam into the jars. 


Once you have put jam into all the jars, its time to disinfect again! Place the closed jars back into the boiling water. Leave them for about 10 minutes. This helps get ride of all the fungus and bacteria from the strawberries. 

After 10 minutes, take the jars out to let them cool. You'll hear the tops of the jars make a popping noise, that means it is sealed!
You now have some lovely jam to keep for yourself or give to family and friends! Jam lasts for about 1 year un refrigerated. After you open the  jars, make sure to refrigerate them! 

Do you guys like to make homemade foods? If so, what? If you try this recipe, let me know how you like it! Enjoy!


Monday, June 9, 2014

Music I'm Diggin'!

Hello everyone!
Sorry I have been MIA recently, life get the better of everyone at some point. It sure got me these past few weeks!

Anyways, I wanted to let you guys in on some of my favorite stuff to listen to! I like to think of myself as a person who listens to a variety of music, and I LOVE to share it with other people, so why not share with you guys?! 

  1. She Keeps Me Warm by Mary Lambert. I'm sure you have heard of Mackelmore's song Same Love. This lady was featured in it, and this is the song that is used for the chorus in Mackelmore's song. I would check her out, she has a really great singing voice, and this song has a powerful message about the LGBT community. 
  2. Don't Wait by Mapei. I feel like she is relatively new, but maybe she isn't, anyways, I am SO GLAD I discovered her music. This is probably my favorite song by her. It's catchy and super different in all aspects of music. I just feel like it keeps you on your toes. 
  3. I'm Ready by AJR. Here's come more of an electronic feel to this playlist. It's catch, upbeat, and in general makes me feel really happy. I play this especially when I'm working out or cleaning. It keeps me going and makes me feel, well, READY!
  4. Kaleidoscope by Joe Brooks.  Another guy I discovered recently is Joe Brooks. He gives off this Jason Mraz kind of vibe. I love how he uses an acoustic guitar, acoustic is my favorite kind of music to listen to. But he gives it an upbeat feeling, with some crazy drumming in the middle of the song and it slowly winds down. It's also my favorite song to cover at the moment!
  5. No Interruption by Hoodie Allen. Now if you like Mackelmore, I would check out this guy too. He doesn't do super crazy rapping like Mackelmore, but he's very similar. I like the beat of this song and how it makes me feel. Not to sure what it is about it, but the music makes you move your head back and forth. He's pretty new, give him a try I love his work!
If you want to check out more stuff I'm listening to, go over to my  Spotify Account!

What kind of stuff are you listening to? Let me know in the comments below! x